Don't Hide Your Unhealthy Smile - Improve It Instead

Teeth Discoloration Causes You Ought To Know

Any dental condition that affects your smile can make you feel less self-assured. For example, dental stains can compromise your confidence to smile and make you self-conscious whenever you speak. Furthermore, several factors can cause teeth to discolor, and, unfortunately, brushing, on its own, is not enough to erase stains. On the contrary, some dental stains may require deep cleaning by a professional dentist. This article highlights some factors that can lead to dental stains, so you can take caution and keep your teeth looking white. 


Smoking is a compulsive practice that can be difficult to stop. Tobacco, a common ingredient in cigarettes, can seriously damage your gums and general health. Smoking is also one of the most prevalent causes of tooth discoloration. No matter how infrequently you smoke, the effects eventually show, and your dental health suffers. Even if deep dental cleaning can assist in restoring stained teeth to their natural white, the long-term solution would be to quit smoking to prevent re-occurrence.

Certain Beverages

Maintaining your dental hygiene is important, which can be undermined by the drinks you routinely consume. The reason is that some beverages may discolor your teeth, dimming your pearly-white smile. For instance, coffee is widely known to stain teeth as its dark color may penetrate the enamel over the years. Over time, the stains become more difficult to eliminate, even with routine brushing. Therefore, it is a good idea to limit your intake of concentrated beverages while also maintaining healthy dental practices.

Dental Hygiene Issue

Regular tooth cleaning and flossing should be your top priorities in maintaining the cleanliness of your teeth. Otherwise, the bacteria bred by food particles remain between your teeth and produce acids that lead to discoloring and decay. In addition to brushing your teeth twice daily, you should visit your dentist regularly for deep cleaning.


The natural process of aging can also cause teeth to discolor. Thus, it is common to see older people with stained teeth, and this could worsen over time. As people age, the tooth's enamel starts to disintegrate. When the enamel wears off, the dentin, which has a color that may already appear stained, is exposed. Accordingly, even though aging is inevitable, it is essential to practice recommended oral hygiene to keep your teeth healthy.

Medical Conditions

Certain ailments can cause discoloration of teeth, including calcium deficiency, liver infections, and certain metabolic diseases. In some cases, the staining may fade once you recover your health. Even so, a dentist visit may help reduce the staining.

Some of the common causes of tooth discoloration are preventable. Nonetheless, to keep your smile bright, even as you age, consider the factors mentioned above and consult your family dentist over this and all dental issues.

Reach out to a family dentistry services clinic to learn more.
