Don't Hide Your Unhealthy Smile - Improve It Instead

3 Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

When you feel self-conscious about your smile, it affects your self-esteem and your social life. It's more likely that you'll try to hide your smile rather than express yourself fully. For many folks experiencing this discomfort, cosmetic dentistry can be a wonderful way to feel more confident. Fortunately, there are several cosmetic dentistry options that can achieve this without any invasive surgery or procedures. Here are three to consider.

Teeth Whitening

A common cause for concern for many people is discolored and yellowing teeth. Fortunately, one of the easiest procedures you can opt for in cosmetic dentistry is teeth whitening or bleaching. First, your dentist will record the current shade of your teeth to ensure whitening has been achieved at the end of the procedure. Then your teeth will be cleaned and polished to create a clean surface for the whitening agent. Your cosmetic dentist will then apply a whitening agent, typically a hydrogen peroxide solution, to the front of your teeth. After a short period of time, the solution is rinsed off. Finally, a fluoride solution may be applied to protect your enamel.


Braces are the most effective way to straighten crooked teeth, but an adult may feel self-conscious about going through a busy life with a mouth full of metal. Fortunately, clear aligners like Invisalign can do the job much less conspicuously. To accomplish this, your cosmetic dentist or orthodontist will use 3D imaging to create an impression of your teeth—no nasty putty necessary. These images will be used to create a series of clear plastic aligners that are designed to slowly move your teeth into alignment step by step over a period of several months. In some cases, your dentist may choose to use clear, tooth-colored enamel attachments on your teeth to assist in the process. Clear aligners necessitate fewer visits to the dentist than metal braces. All in all, it's a very minimally invasive and inconspicuous way to achieve a smile to be proud of.

Dental Bonding

For chipped or cracked teeth, the best minimally invasive solution is typically dental bonding. In this procedure, your dentist will begin by comparing bonding materials to your teeth to choose the correct matching color. Then your teeth will be prepped and that may require trimming or smoothing chips or cracks. Your teeth will then be acid etched using a gel material. This prepares the surface for bonding. Then the bonding agent is applied using a brush and also occasionally smoothed with a small puff of air. The dentist will then cure the bonding agent by shining a curing light onto the surface. This short process takes only about 30 to 60 minutes per tooth.

To learn more, contact a dentist like Dan Czapek, D.M.D.
