Don't Hide Your Unhealthy Smile - Improve It Instead

Dental Implants: How They Can Look More Realistic Than Dentures

Do you already wear dentures and wish you had an alternative solution that looked more natural? Do you want to know what makes dental implants more realistic-looking than dentures? Your dentist will recommend you to a dental implant treatment specialist if you decide that dental implants are best for you, and can answer many of your general questions about this procedure as well.

If you want a new smile but you're not sure what you're after, dental implants can bring you the results you want. Learn how dental implants are more realistic in appearance than dentures by reading below.

They don't come with their own gums

Dentures have the gum line included in their construction, which can give the smile a fake look and be too generic in appearance. Dental implants, however, are placed in the gums via the jaw bone, just like natural teeth, so the only false part of the smile is the teeth themselves. Dental implants are the apparatuses placed into the gums, while the porcelain or ceramic tooth replica is placed into the implant for the complete look.

They are matched to your traditional teeth

The teeth caps that are placed into dental implants are designed to look like natural teeth in both shape and appearance. The inspiration for your own dental implants will be your natural teeth. Your natural teeth will be compared to your new teeth via color and size, so the teeth you get in your dental implants look as realistic as the natural teeth you already own. This is not something you'll accomplish as fully with dentures, although dentures will still be fitted to the shape of your gums.

They are fitted naturally in your mouth

Dentures slide around and move out of place when you talk or chew, and can even affect the natural shape of your face. Dental implants are just placed into the gums as mentioned above, so they don't have this type of impact on your smile. Furthermore, dental implants don't move around since they are as solidly fixed into your mouth as your traditional teeth, which gives them the most natural and realistic appeal of all.

You can wear both dentures and dental implants to complete your smile and meet your dental needs. You may need just a few dental implants or a whole smile's worth. Your dental implant treatment specialist will explain the procedure to you so you understand it most and can get the most out of your experience overall. Keep these tips in mind when looking for dental implant clinics near you.
