Don't Hide Your Unhealthy Smile - Improve It Instead

Correcting Some Of The Cosmetic Dental Problems You Might Encounter

Cosmetic dental problems can have major impacts on a person's sense of confidence and the health of their gums and teeth. While these problems can often be corrected, patients will need to have a basic understanding of the various cosmetic treatments that can be used to remedy these issues.

What Is Dental Shaping?

There can be many instances where a person will have misshapen teeth. This can occur due to developmental issues with the teeth or damage occurring to them. Dental shaping is able to restore the shape of the tooth. This process is done by applying a bonding material to the tooth and shaping it into a natural shape. The discomfort that can be expected from dental bonding is minor and can be compared to getting a traditional filling. The effects of dental shaping can last for years with minimal maintenance on the part of the patient.

How Can Deep Staining Be Corrected?

Deep stains can be another embarrassing dental problem. When individuals suffer deep stains, traditional whitening treatments may not be sufficient for removing them. However, patients do not have to suffer the embarrassment of discolored teeth. One option for this situation will be the use of veneers. These are essentially thin covers that are placed over the teeth, and they can effectively hide deep discoloration. Laser whitening can be another solution for treating deep staining, but there are limits to the stains that can be eliminated with this.

What Should Patients Do When They Lose A Tooth?

Losing a tooth is one of the most serious dental issues that you can experience. Whether the tooth is lost due to an accident or an extraction by your dentist, it can be important to have it replaced. Replacing the missing tooth will be necessary for restoring your appearance and preventing further damage from occurring. Failing to replace a missing tooth can lead to the remaining teeth changing positions. There are several options available for replacing a missing tooth, which can include dentures, bridges, and implants.

Correcting cosmetic dental problems can be necessary for keeping your smile beautiful. When a person has suffered dental issues that have cosmetic impacts, acting quickly to address these issues can help to make the problem easier to correct while also minimizing the impacts to your self-confidence. When a person is able to make informed choices about dental shaping, removing severe or deep stains, and replacing missing teeth, this part of their self-care will be easier to manage. For more information, talk to your cosmetic dentist.
