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Temporary Dentures – Helping With Multiple Teeth Extractions

Temporary dentures – your dentist may ask if you're interested in having a temporary denture made when the time comes to remove several of your teeth. Multiple tooth extractions are a necessity in so many cases, but having all of those teeth pulled at once will not leave you with a gummy smile. Here, you'll learn a little about temporary dentures and how they can help you get through this difficult time a little more comfortably.

Temporary Denture Basics

A temporary denture is made somewhat like a permanent denture, but with much less detail and perfection. Weeks before your extraction is scheduled, the dentist takes an impression of your mouth as it is. He will then take that impression and make a denture that will fit snugly in your mouth after the teeth are removed.

Aid with Healing

The temporary denture will do more for you than you might think. That denture is going to help to manage the swelling and bleeding after the teeth are extracted. You see, after the dentist has completed the extractions, placed any stitches that you may need, and cleaned up the area, he will put the temporary denture in place – that's where it will stay until you return to the dentist in a day or two. He will remove it and make sure that everything is healing well.

While that denture is in place, it will slow the bleeding and swelling and make it much more comfortable for you to eat and drink. Having that denture in place will speed up the healing process as you won't have to worry as much about the wounds coming open time and time again when you eat.

Long-Term Assist

The temporary denture can be kept in clean water in your refrigerator. As long as you take the time to change the water about once each month, and give the denture a good cleaning, you'll be able to use it for many years as a backup denture for when your permanent dentures need to be adjusted or repaired. This will take a great deal of stress off of your shoulders when the time comes to repair the permanent denture – after all – you don't want to live without your denture for a day or two.

Talk with your dental team to learn more about temporary dentures and how they can make the multiple teeth extraction process much easier for you to deal with.
