Don't Hide Your Unhealthy Smile - Improve It Instead

Why Use Dental Bonding Over Other Cosmetic Dentistry Methods?

Are you planning to fix a tooth that is chipped, stained, or has an odd shape? If so, you'll be looking into the many cosmetic dentistry treatments that can fix it. While you can cover the damage with a crown or veneer, dental bonding may be the best method for the following reasons.

Minimal Enamel Will Be Removed

When using a veneer or crown, the process involves removing enamel on the teeth so that the item can be placed on the tooth and not make it any bigger in your mouth. This helps your bite feel natural with a porcelain shell covering the front or a crown encapsulating the tooth. However, dental bonding does not remove the same amount of enamel as those procedures to make bonding work.

If anything, your dentist ends up making an edge of a tooth slightly rough, so that the bonding material can easily attach to it. It will not be necessary to shave off several millimeters of enamel to make bonding work. It's possible that you will not even notice the enamel that is removed in the end.

Protecting the enamel is important, because that is what protects your teeth. If the bonding comes off the tooth, the exposed tooth is still protected. With veneers or a crown, if they do become damaged and fall off, it leaves a tooth exposed to potential decay.

The Process Will Be Quick

You'll need to go back to your dentist for follow up appointments when getting a veneer or crown. This leaves your teeth exposed until that second visit, and it is inconvenient for you to schedule time away from work as well. A second visit also means increased costs for your dentist to see you again.

Dental bonding is quite the opposite, since it is quick and can be done in a single session. You can schedule a consultation with your dentist, hear what they advise to do to fix your teeth, and have the bonding procedure performed in their office all at once.

Your dentist will create the bonding material in their office, and then you will need to wait a while for the material to harden while you're waiting. However, the whole process may not take any longer than a normal dental cleaning.

If you are convinced you want to use dental bonding to fix your cosmetic problems, reach out to a local cosmetic dental clinic like New Image Dental for more information about the procedure.
