Don't Hide Your Unhealthy Smile - Improve It Instead

Advantages Of Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain dental veneers can offer multiple advantages for dental patients who want to improve the appearance of their teeth. Here are a few of the benefits of choosing veneers:

Perfect Teeth

Dental veneers can dramatically transform the teeth to give you a practically perfect smile. The veneers improve the look of the teeth by covering dental imperfections. 

Multiple imperfections, which may vary in type and degree, can be improved by the placement of veneers. They include the following.

Crooked Teeth

Misalignments that are minor or moderate may still cause the teeth to look less attractive. Nevertheless, the misalignment may not be severe enough to drastically affect the bite or cause problems with speech. 

Veneers can be placed in a straight alignment over the crooked teeth. Once the dental veneers are in position, the teeth appear straight and uniform.

Chipped or Cracked Tooth Enamel

The enamel of the teeth is hard, but it can still be damaged by trauma. When a chip or crack occurs in the tooth enamel, it can mar the look of the teeth.

Although deep cracks that extend into the dentin or pulp of a tooth may require a dental crown because it offers complete protection and support, minor chips or cracks may not jeopardize the health of a tooth. If the imperfection is purely cosmetic, a porcelain veneer can be used to correct the look of the tooth.

Discoloration (Permanent and Temporary)

Temporary discoloration is often due to the absorption of food-based pigments into the pores of the tooth enamel. Permanent discoloration may be caused by a blow to the teeth or by a defect present at birth. In addition, some medications may cause the teeth to become permanently discolored. 

The shade of a porcelain veneer can be selected based on the needs of the dental patient. People who need a single veneer to correct a discolored tooth may have the color of the veneer matched to that of their other teeth. However, if a full set of veneers is used to whiten the teeth, the whitest shade may be selected for the veneers.

Gapped or Oddly Shaped Teeth

Veneers can cover teeth that have an odd shape, appear too small, or have large interdental gaps. The size and shape are determined by the cosmetic needs of the patient.


Dental veneers are permanent cosmetic applications. They should last throughout the lifetime of the dental patient. 

For more information about porcelain veneers and their benefits, schedule a consultation with a dentist in your area.
