Don't Hide Your Unhealthy Smile - Improve It Instead

4 Things To Know Before Whitening Your Teeth

One way to feel your best and be as self-confident as possible may involve having whiter teeth. This can be simple to do by just scheduling a teeth whitening appointment. Taking time to whiten your teeth can allow you to have the better looking smile. Of course, you will want to be aware of some things you should do before paying a professional to complete this job for you.

Get a dental cleaning

In order to get the best possible results from your teeth whitening efforts, you will want to consider getting your teeth professionally cleaned. This can be done during your bi-monthly exam and will allow you to have all the plaque removed from your teeth.

This will allow you to get optimal results from professional teeth cleaning at your dental office.

Think about sensitivity

If you've had a great deal of dental work done in the past, you may want to let your dentist know this before getting your teeth whitened. Doing so can alert this professional to the fact you may need a gentler type of whitening product.

Consider any health conditions

There are certain people that may want to put off getting this process done. For instance, if you're pregnant or currently breastfeeding a baby, you may want to wait until this stage has passed.

Additionally, if you don't have all your permanent teeth in, it's better for you to wait until you're an adult to have this done for the best results. Individuals with gum disease may also want to delay having this dental procedure completed until this issue has been resolved.

Touch-ups will be necessary

Even getting a professional whitening completed will require some maintenance over time. Once you start back eating and drinking certain foods that can stain your teeth, you will begin to notice more yellowing of the teeth return.

The best way to handle this issue is by taking the time to complete routine whitening touch-ups at home. This can be done easily if you ask your dentist to let you have the molds used at the office and the whitening solution to help maintain your teeth.

The benefits of having your teeth whitened on a routine basis include feeling your best about your appearance. This may even assist you with getting out and about more and enjoying life. Be sure to schedule your appointment with your dental provider to have this done today!
