Don't Hide Your Unhealthy Smile - Improve It Instead

Short-Term Braces For Adults: Are They Right For You?

For many young adolescents, getting metal braces to correct tooth alignment is a very common right of passage. The traditional braces are made from metal wires that are guided through metal brackets on the teeth that are gradually tightened every few months. However, it is becoming very common for adults to get braces for a variety of reasons.

Some adults get braces to correct his or her bite. An uneven bite can lead to pain not only in the jaw, but also pain in the head, neck, and shoulders. Some adults also choose to get braces for the short term in order to correct cosmetic issues. The following is information you will need if you are considering short-term braces:

Why Get Short Term Braces?

When an adult wants to improve his or her smile, short-term braces can be a viable option. They are designed to correct the appearance of teeth that are crooked or have gaps. Braces can be placed on both the top and bottom teeth. One great benefit of these braces is the amount of time they need to be on the teeth. In most cases, all corrections can be made in half a year or so, depending on the amount of correction needed.

What Type Of Braces Are Best?

In most cases, the orthodontist will use metal braces much like you see on children. However, many adults request to have clear ceramic brackets instead in order to for the braces to be less apparent.

What Problems Will Short Term Braces Not Correct?

Since short-term braces are meant to repair cosmetic issues, they will not address any issues that are causing medical problems. Braces left on for a short time will not repair a misaligned jaw or bite. They would need to be left on the teeth for a year or more in order to effectively repair a bite.

Are Other Options Available?

If you do not want to have traditional braces on your teeth, there are some other options to consider. Clear aligners are much like braces in that they repair cosmetic issues in the teeth. They are clear mouthpieces that are worn for the majority of the day. Over time, they straighten the teeth and result in a nice smile.

You can also opt for veneers. Veneers are a more invasive tactic in which your tooth enamel is removed and new ceramic teeth are placed on top of your original teeth. This is a quick option, but it is more expensive and will need to be replaced after some time.

For more information, contact a professional in your area like those found at Dr. Lisa Kochis Orthodontics.
