Don't Hide Your Unhealthy Smile - Improve It Instead

2 Flossing Options

When you see your dentist, they always ask you if you've flossed your teeth. It's a standard question and one that a lot of people fudge their answer about. They may tell their dentist that sure they floss daily when they really mean three times a week, or daily for the few days leading up to their appointment, or daily when they remember to. Your dentist knows when you fudge those answers because they can see the evidence of it on your teeth. There are different kinds of floss and flossing tools that you can use so that you can tell your dentist the truth when you see them next. 

Dental Floss/Tape

Dental floss and tape are basically the same things. Floss is more like a thread while tape is more like a flat ribbon. They come in waxed and unwaxed varieties as well as flavored and unflavored. The wax makes it easier for the dental floss to glide in between your teeth when you are using it. To use these products, you should start with a length of floss. Wrap a little bit around one index finger and more around the other. As you use the floss, you should keep unwrapping clean floss while wrapping the used floss around your other finger. You don't want to carry bacteria or food from one place to the next. 

Dental Picks

Dental picks are picks that have a length of dental floss held tight in between two posts. On the other end of the pick, there may be a point that you can use to help dislodge food or debris. With a dental pick, you just push the floss down in between your teeth and floss like normal. When you are done flossing your teeth, all you have to do is throw the pick into the trash. These can be a great tool if you have to brush and floss your teeth when you are away from home since you can put the picks in a plastic bag and pull them out as necessary. They also may be easier for children to use so that they can get into habit of flossing your teeth regularly. 

Flossing your teeth regularly helps to fight cavities. It also helps with gingivitis. It may not be your most favorite thing to do ever, but if you do it regularly, your dentist will be very happy and so will your mouth. Talk with a company like Kenneth Schweizer DDS PA for more information.
