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3 Ways To Protect Your Dental Veneers

A dental veneer is a thin slice of porcelain or resin that is fashioned into the shape of a tooth. It is applied to the front surface of a tooth to conceal a cosmetic imperfection, such as discoloration, a chip, a crack or even an improperly sized tooth. If multiple veneers are used, they can even correct the appearance of a minor dental misalignment without the application of an orthodontic device, such as braces.

Once veneers are installed, you will likely enjoy the new look of your teeth. However, in order for your veneers to continue to look great, there are some precautions that you should take. Here are a few of them:

Rinse your mouth with water after drinking coffee or other dark substances.

Coffee and other highly pigmented foods and beverages can stain your dental veneers, especially if your veneers are made of resin, which is a type of specialized plastic. Although the lightest shade of dental veneers may have been selected for your teeth, the color of the application can change over time as colorants and pigments from foods and drinks become absorbed. To help minimize the amount of pigments that discolor your dental veneers, rinse your mouth with water following the ingestion of deeply colored substances.

Wear a mouth guard during sports.

If you are an active person who participates in team sports, it is important to protect your mouth as you play. A blow to the mouth can crack or chip a dental veneer. Thus, use a mouth guard during games. The guard can help absorb some of the shock of a blow to the mouth.

Wear a guard at night if you suffer from bruxism.

If you grind your teeth at night, be sure to wear a mouth guard to help prevent the grinding force from damaging your veneers. Nightly dental grinding can exert enough force to crack or chip a natural tooth. Consequently, dental veneers can easily be damaged during a session of bruxism. It is important to wear your guard nightly. Since bruxism occurs often without the knowledge of the person who suffers from it, you are unlikely to be able to avert the grinding.

To learn more things that you can do to avoid damage to your dental veneers, schedule an appointment with a cosmetic dentist in your area. The dentist (like Aaron G Birch, DDS PC) may ask you questions about your lifestyle to assess your needs and offer pertinent advice to protect your dental veneers.
