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2 Dental Rinses To Prevent Infection After Osseous Surgery

Deep pockets around your gum line can quickly become a breeding ground for bacteria. The buildup of food and bacteria can often result in bone and tissue loss. Eventually your teeth will fall out because there is not enough tissue left to support your teeth. If this happens, then your dentist may suggest osseous surgery to fix the problem. While this surgery can be effective for removing the bacteria and infection and reducing deep pockets, it is important to maintain a regular oral care routine after the surgery. Bacteria and plaque can recontaminate the areas of your mouth that were treated with osseous surgery. Fortunately, there are a few herbal rinses that you can use to keep bacteria at bay.

Myrtle Rinse

Myrtle leaves are frequently used in aromatherapy because of their strong smell. The leaves' antibacterial properties are also used to treat infection. A simple myrtle rinse can be used by placing a few handfuls of fresh myrtle leaves in a cup of hot water. Allow the leaves to steep for several hours before removing them with a strainer. Use the rinse after brushing your teeth and use it to cleanse around your gum line. Hold the rinse in your mouth for several minutes and concentrate on your gums. Try to work the rinse between your teeth and into any tight spaces. The myrtle rinse combined with regular brushing and flossing will help to prevent plaque and bacteria buildup around your gum line.

Salt Water Rinse

One of the easiest ways to keep your gum line clean is with a homemade salt water rinse. The salt is strong enough to kill off bacteria and remove plaque, but subtle enough so that it does not irritate your gums. A salt water rinse can be created by boiling a few cups of water in a pot and adding a few spoonfuls of salt to the water. Wait for the salt to dissolve, then remove the pot from the stove. Wait for the salt water to cool, then use it to rinse your mouth. Work the mixture throughout your mouth for a few minutes before rinsing. Repeat this process until your mouth is clean. Use the salt water rinse immediately after eating; this includes snacks and drinks.

Getting a bacteria infection after osseous surgery can severely damage the health of your teeth. Therefore, use these rinses to help keep your mouth clean. Check with a dentist like Eden Prairie Dental Care if you have any questions.
