Don't Hide Your Unhealthy Smile - Improve It Instead

3 Things To Know About Accelerated Orthodontics

While many adults want straight teeth, there are some drawbacks to braces that they don't necessarily want to deal with. Many adults do not want to wait the typical two-year treatment period, or they do not want to be seen with a mouth full of metal and wires. Because of these drawbacks, accelerated orthodontics (oral surgery performed to loosen and move the teeth, speeding up the straightening process) are being used to do exactly what their name implies--accelerate the teeth-straightening process. The development of accelerated orthodontics is great for adults and those who do not want to wait a long time to see results, but there are some things to take note of before taking the plunge. Three things everyone should know about accelerated orthodontics are listed below:

1. You Will Still Have to Wear Braces

While the process is significantly shortened with accelerated orthodontics, your teeth will not be straightened overnight, and you will still have to wear braces for a short time. The good news is that you can choose the type of braces you wear. Metal and ceramic braces are commonly chosen, but if you're worried about people seeing your braces, lingual braces (worn on the back side of the teeth) might be the best option for you. 

2. Accelerated Orthodontics Cannot Fix Serious Bite Issues

Accelerated orthodontics is meant mainly for those with mild to moderate problems with their teeth. If you have a severe under bite, over bite, or cross bite, your teeth will take longer to straighten and will benefit more from traditional braces. 

3. Accelerated Orthodontics Beats Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are a great teeth-straightening option for those who do not want to wear traditional braces. However, not everyone can afford veneers, and accelerated orthodontics is better-suited for those with a tight budget. Additionally, accelerated orthodontics never require replacements and are complete in 2-4 short visits, saving you more money and making the process more convenient. The only way that veneers beat out accelerated orthodontics is in speed of treatment, as accelerated orthodontics takes a couple weeks longer to complete.

Straight teeth are no longer a characteristic limited to the privileged few. If you're an adult who has always wanted a straight, bright smile, you can get it. If you are on a limited budget and need minor corrections to your teeth, think over the facts listed above, and talk to your orthodontist about giving accelerated orthodontics a try. You'll start loving your smile soon! Contact a company like Crest Hill Family Dental for more information.
