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Lasers And Periodontitis: Four Benefits For Patients

In the past, dentists used scalpels and other tools to remove infections and treat gum disease. Although this standard remedy does work, it is often painful due to its invasive nature. Fortunately, new dental technologies have emerged.

Laser gum therapy is just one new invention in the dental industry. It is a great alternative and non-invasive way of treating gum disease that has several benefits, including these four:

1. No Cutting and No Discomfort

Laser gum therapy eliminates the need for invasive measures, which means there is no cutting. As you might expect, this makes the procedure a lot more comfortable—and sometimes, even pain-free. Although dentists will still use a local anesthetic, most people can return to their normal daily lives immediately following the appointment, so you won't have to take off time from work or school for recovery.

2. Shorter Appointments

Traditional gum disease treatment is often long and intensive. In the past, appointments might last as long as a few hours—and even longer for severe cases. Sometimes, patients would be required to come in for multiple appointments. Fortunately, lasers reduce the time needed to treat periodontitis. In fact, a laser therapy appointment can be completed in just two hours.

3. Improved Safety 

Some medical conditions, such as HIV, put doctors and dentists at risk. While some medications put patients at risk, such as those with diabetes or those taking blood thinners. Even with gloves and medications, some patients do pose safety risks—or have safety risks themselves when put under anesthesia. While standard therapy is still an option for those kinds of patients, lasers are often a better bet—as it is safer for everyone involved.

4. Good Results

According to, laser gum therapy provides the same type of results as standard treatment methods for gum disease. This is good news, as it is often a safer and quicker alternative. With laser treatment, patients can expect eradication of their gum disease. And, it will not return, if proper oral hygiene is implemented.

Lasers may be something you associate with movies and television, but they are used in real world applications today. Dentistry is just one industry that uses them successfully. If you are interested in learning more, or you are currently suffering from gum disease and don't want to undergo an invasive treatment, ask a dentist, like Neu Family Dental Center, about using laser therapy to treat and cure your periodontitis. You'll be glad you did.
