Don't Hide Your Unhealthy Smile - Improve It Instead

Straight Talk About Straight Teeth: Why Your Smile Matters

Both personally and professionally, first impressions matter and one of the first things people will notice about you is your smile. Some people are fortunate enough to be born with perfectly aligned teeth while others are able to get a beautiful smile through dental work when they were young. But some people reach adulthood with imperfect teeth and consider correcting it with invisalign. If you are one of those people, you may be wondering if it's worth it to invest in straightening your teeth. The answer is a resounding yes.

Easier to clean

When your teeth are crooked, tightly spaced or overlapping, it's hard to clean them well. Even with proper brushing, flossing and gargling, food particles can remain in those hard-to-reach crevices. Food particles can not only cause tooth decay, but can also cause gum disease and bad breath. Being able to brush and floss is a lot easier with straight teeth. Proper spacing and placement will allow you to get the brush and floss where they need to go for truly good tooth care.

Better for your health

So you know now that proper dental care is easier when your teeth are straight, but did you also know that taking good care of your teeth is better for the rest of your body as well? In fact, there have been recent studies that suggest that periodontal disease can be linked to things like high cholesterol levels and poor heart health. If you cannot clean your teeth well, your overall health may suffer for it.

Aside from cleaning your teeth, the alignment of your teeth is very important to your health. Medical issues such as migraines and TMJ have been linked to poor dental structure. Both migraines and TMJ can cause pain and suffering that can be fixed by improving your bite.

Easier to chew

You may be thinking "I chew just fine," and perhaps that's true. But when your teeth are crooked, they don't always align properly for chewing. This can cause a lot of stress and wear on your teeth, resulting in some major tooth trouble over time. Proper alignment will improve your chewing, which is better for your dental health and your digestion.

Speaking well

There are a lot of factors that go into the way you speak. There has to be coordination between the mouth, tongue, throat, teeth and lips. If your teeth are misaligned you could have speech impediments, such as a lisp or the inability to pronounce certain letter sounds. While speech therapy may help, getting your teeth straightened is certainly a factor in proper enunciation.

 A beautiful, healthy smile is important, and not just cosmetically. If you don't have the smile you've always wanted, but were waffling on whether or not to do anything about it, now you know why you should. Good dental health matters in many ways. Look into having those teeth straightened by a dentist like Port Orchard Dental Care Center today.
